Thursday 11 April 2013

Great benefits of Herbs to heal ailments

By Diane Simpson

Many of the common herbs lend good taste to our meals, by providing the right ingredients, which we do not really stop and think that they have many health benefits. We could enjoy good taste and great health, if we are certain that they provide health benefits.

Some of the herbs that will be discussed here are very rich as anti oxidants. These anti oxidants as has been proved by research that keep the body protected against the various problems that are created by exposure to the environment. They protect us from the environment pollutants, though the stress and the fast food of the present times are also a reason for these problems. These pollutants cause extensive damage to the cells and tissues of the body and can cause various problems like cancer, aging and autoimmune diseases. All these problems can be cured by the intake of the vegetables and grains. They will also reduce the need to have anti oxidant supplements.

Anti ageing benefit of some herbs and their benefits

Basil---- This can be easily grown. This requires at least 6 hours of sunlight and soil that drains away the water. Basil contains compounds called Beta-Caryophyllene and eugenal that eases the symptoms of cramps, headaches, Arthritis etc. This has anti-ageing properties and strong anti bacterial properties as well.

Dell---- Dell, is an easy herb to grow. It is rich in phytonutrient Quercitim. It helps to protect the skin from UV rays.

Rosemary----Rosemary which has high content of anti oxidant needs lot of sun rays and moist soil to grow. It helps in creating the collagen necessary in maintaining skin tone and hence it is used in the creams. It can cure lung congestion also and can be consume in food also.

Oregano--- This also can be easily grown. It is rich in anti-oxidant and anti microbial properties. You can season your salads, soups, sauces, poultry dishes and meat, with oregano.

Garlic---The two main compounds of garlic which are Alliccin and diallydsulphide have been proved by the research to have great healing properties. It has a great use for controlling the blood pressure and the cholesterol level of the body and has been used since a long time. In addition it is also a natural antibiotic. Against the chemical medicines the effects can be maintained by the body for a long time. Old garlic acts as antioxidant protects the body from pollution.

Nasturitium---Having its origin in South America this herb is very delicious along with the treatment for the skin, urinary and respiratory infection. It is a home remedy for cold, flu, cystitis and alopecia.

Nettles--- This is a precious herbal remedy for many human conditions. It has many medical properties which includes Pectoral and Astringent. This is also used in cases of high blood pressure, Arthritis and stomach ulcers.

Nutmeg--- It is a seed within a hard cove. Nutmeg is used widely for Asthma, relieving aching joints, Alzheimer, Indigestion etc.

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