Monday 18 March 2013

Useful Safety Tips For Your 5K Training Endeavors

By Dwight Hawkins

If you are preparing to run a 5K then there are some important safety tips that you need to know and follow in order to stay safe and avoid injury. The first is that hydration is incredibly important. Make sure that you drink fluids even while you are performing your training runs. This is especially true in warmer weather and on days when there is a lot of sunlight. Wear clothing that allows airflow and that wicks any moisture away from your skin. This will help you stay cooler and more comfortable, and prevent overheating and certain fungal infections from skin that stays warm and moist.

Pick out the clothing that you will wear for the event and make sure that all of the gear is properly broken in before you show up at the start line. Your shoes should be comfortable, and they should be the same type that you used during the training sessions. If they are too snug then you could get blisters or be unable to move freely. If the footwear is too large then you may not be able to move without tripping or losing your balance.

It would also be best if you could clothe yourself in several layers. By doing this, you can begin with a warm body and remove the layers as you begin to sweat more and your body gets warmer. In you're running during the warmer seasons, you should also try to run in areas that are shaded so that you can avoid the direct sunlight as this could potentially cause you to suffer from heat strokes.

It will also be essential that you stretch before every training session as well as before the running event. A correctly performed stretching exercise will cause your body to gradually warm up and your muscles to loosen up. By doing this, you will be able to avoid any injuries during the run. Otherwise, you might end up having your muscles torn up which will just be a complete waste of all your prior preparation.

Always pay attention to your surroundings while you are out on a run. Some individuals wear headphones and this may impair your ability to hear any threats. Pay attention to what is going on around you in order to stay safe. Look carefully before crossing any intersection and keep an eye out on your surroundings. It is fairly common for runners to become so focused on this activity that they fail to see any safety hazards until it is too late. Don't let this happen to you.

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