Monday 13 May 2013

Learn How To Use The S. A. I. D. Principles With Unique Chiropractic Training DVD Set

By Emilia Canale

Chiropractic manipulation DVDs teach all about the principle of S. A. I. D. This abbreviation refers to specific adaptation to imposed demands, and governs chiropractic techniques which work on the basis of applying pressure to particular body parts that are the source of pain or difficulty.

Working to reduce physiological stress and tension, a chiropractor will harness its natural recovery process by applying measured force to afflicted bodily regions. The most common sites of injury, tension and imbalance these methods are used are the lower, middle and upper regions of the back. Recommending stretching exercises and light physical movement come from an understanding of how the body comes back in to balance.

This may seem like a counter intuitive thing to do. However, the principles of S. A. I. D. Actually point out that unless some kind of physical demand is made of damaged muscle or tissue, recovery can be hindered. Stimulating injury in the slightest way will begin the restoration process. Chiropractic methods are simply a way of allowing the body to do what it does naturally.

The built-in regeneration process which is natural to tissue of this type can be triggered by creating demands of injured areas. If the body part is just kept still, no repair can happen. Stiffness and pain generally are prolonged, as is the suffering of the person with the problem.

SAID theory originates from the sporting arena. Thanks to the study of injury in athletes which is an occupational hazard, the processes of muscle, joint and tendon recovery are well known. The repair mechanisms of the body have been closely examined for quite some time.

Compensation is a term which is given to a bodily process where muscle builds up after having been placed under strain. Making demands on this type of body tissue with periods of rest in between show that growth happens in direct proportion to demands that are made. Chiropractic manipulation DVDs use an understanding of this process to bring about techniques of applying demand on weakened or injured body parts to promote quick and effective restoration.

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